So not a lot has happened this month regarding Disney. It has been rather quiet and boring and slow.
The only real bit of contact we had was an e-mail telling us to follow their blog they have set up and that's it.
In regards to my Visa I paid the application fee and got my envelope for them to send my passport back in and that's about it. I have the interview on Thursday so I'll have another blog up for that going through what happened.
Aside from that not much has gone on. The girls and I: Amy, Alice, Nadine and Jessie went bowling a few weeks back so I think I shall leave you with some pictures.
L-R: Alice, Myself, Jessie, Amy, Nadine
Oh, we are all meeting up on Wednesday (or who can come) and hanging out at Dreamworld for the day, seeings as I have points that need to be used other wise my 2 years hard work will be wasted away by not using the free entry for friends. So I will have more pictures from that too :D
So until Thursday (which also means a new month)
Stay Magical