Saturday, 29 September 2012

May I have this dance?

Hello everyone,

So when we last left off I was heading off to JTA for a shift. This week was packed full of fun and exciting things and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

Lets start with Monday:
Today was Zaks birthday so we all went to Kitty's (it's a bar, a very small bar and it's Irish apparently). There were a few people there that I know which is always exciting:
  • Zak 
  • Melanie
  • Jojo
  • Brian
  • Boomer
  • Laura
  • Carlos
  • Todd
  • Chris Byrd
  • Mike Lusk
  • Lauren
  • Elizabeth
  • Ben
It's always exciting when there is a big enough group and I know people. We all drank, played pool danced and then left around 1:30. It was a fun night up until around the end, when things happened that made it not so magical but oh well, this isn't the time or place to talk about it! I came home, talked to my mummy and then went to sleep. 

Today I woke up at 8am to a ka-jillion texts and facebook messages, everyone was worried with a status I had posted the night before and I ignored them all and went back to sleep. It's now just before 12pm when I wake up and I jump in the shower, acknowledge the world and I decided to go to Magic Kingdom with Alison to try and keep my mind of other things. While we were there we saw "Dream Along with Mickey" (DAWM), Peter Pan (who was AMAZING! But more of that later), Minnie and Mickey (Minnie knew us which was exciting) and the princesses. After that Alison had to go to work so I was by myself which was okay. I watched "Celebrate A Dream Come True" Parade (CADCT) and saw Peter Pan again, followed by Tinkerbell and Periwinkle and lastly Tiana and Naveen. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I went. I then hopped on a bus and went over to Studios and watched "Fantasmic!" before coming home to bed.

Now lets talk about why Peter Pan was so fantastic! Well first of he spent a good 5 minutes with Alison and I talking and signing our books, and because he is my favourite I left the first page of my book for him and he wrote "Once Upon A Time..." and on the last page he wrote "The End..." before he signed it which was AWESOME! He taught Alison and I how to crow and we pointed to Neverland.

I went back and seen him later on his last set, and he remembered who I was and spent another good 5-10 minutes with me. I told him i knew what had to go at the end of my story book which was a map to Neverland which he proceeded to draw for me, and then we took more pictures before I got a picture of me blowing him a kiss. It was fantastic and then he even gave me a super big hug!

My Map to Neverland!


The beginning of my new autograph book!

He actually kissed my hand!!!

Today I woke up and went to Magic Kingdom again to do some character hunting and some waltzing. After the previous day of waltzing with Naveen I wanted to see how many other characters I could watlz with and I got a few considering I got there around 1ish:
  • Eric 
  • Peter Pan!!!
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Aladdin 
  • Buzz Lightyear
  • Naveen

Fish Faces and Erics Killer Whale

 We waltzed!

With the boss!

This is my favourite! 

Camel Dance before a waltz.

Spinning with Buzz.

 All the charcters I waltzed with today.

I also watched DAWM, CADCT, saw the princesses again, "Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It!" (MISICI). Today was fun and I loved waltzing with all the characters! Especially Peter Pan, when I asked if he would dance he said okay but I would have to teach him, so I told him where to put his hands and I must've put them the wrong way around because he goes "NO! You're making me the girl and I'm not a girl you are!" And he corrected our hands before we danced! He even twirled me like a princess, it was MAGICAL! After MISICI I jumped on a bus and went to studios again to see Melanie for the last part of her shift and then I came home and went to sleep.

Today I slept in, woke up, jumped on a bus to studios met up with Zak and them jumped in a car bound for Tampa! I finally left the Disney bubble! Today I went to "Howl-O-Scream" at Busch Gardens in Tampa which was fantastic. I went through EVERY SINGLE HOUSE including the one with clowns, however I don't know what it looked like as I kept my head down, eyes shut and grabbing onto Zak for dear life. When we finally got out of the house they looked at me and I was shaking and crying and I didn't even see the clowns, I just heard them and could feel them next me. However I did go through and I was brave but NEVER again! I walked through all the scare zones and didn't really get scared, you could see them and when you're walking towards them you can see what they are going to do, but it was fun and I got photos! I found a few Justin Bieber look-a-likes also which was funny! I also went on a rollercoaster which was FANTASTIC and I loved every second of it. I got home around 2:30am and went straight to sleep.

My quarterback 
- He found my instagram and is now following it..

She was a little weird.

Ahhh - you're not scary.

"Sir my face is up here..."

End of the night - even my yard glass made the photo.

Beiber look alike who went to grab my ass, and later brushed up on me.

Zak and I - best friend who even tries to pose like me!

Princess pose, I liked this guy. 

Today aka Friday: 
Today I'm back at work after 4 fantastic days off, I really don't want to go, but I have to. I need some money - the paycheck isn't going to be pretty next week and I'm running out of food... Eep. Probably should've planned it a little better. Maybe I'll extend the next 2 days or something. However it is time for me to go to work, I'll come back and edit this post and add all the photos in when I get home.

Until next time,
Stay Magical

Friday, 21 September 2012

You took the words right out of my mouth

*Please note for privacy reasons names have been changed in this post*


So since Sunday not a lot has happened, granted its been 4 days. However things did happen and some were good and some were not.

I had some very magical guests who I had to run around after doing a guest recovery/magical moment for them, and spent a easy $400 on them. I love doing magical moments however not in this instance, and no one else wanted to do it for them either, and I just happened to become involved by asking if our guests needed a "walk" to the Hawaii longhouse and they needed it for Tokelou and that was how I was involved. Long story short the guests ended up getting a fireworks cruise, 4 friendship bracelets, 4 charms, champagne, birthday cards from the mice and roughly 15 balloons. After that shift myself, Calyn and Emma went and watched Wishes from The Point as we all needed some magic in our lives again - we all had a bad day.

The next day however I had a very magical family who I couldn't get enough of.

I was checking in a family (whose Dad was Australian also) I bonded with their son Prince Charming* who was celebrating turning 5 the next day, we were talking and I was showing him on the MK map where he could meet all these different characters when he asked where he could find Peter Pan! Now I hadn't told him Peter Pan was my favourite character so when I did he got really excited and he crowed with me. I showed him on the Hollywood Studios map where he could meet Sorcerer Mickey and when I closed the map and he saw Darth Vader on the front he got really excited and said that he was one of his favourite characters.

After talking to Prince Charming I spoke to his Dad who said he was going to try and get him into JTA on Wednesday because it is something that Prince Charming would love to do as he is a big fan. When Prince Charming found out I worked at JTA and that Darth Vader and his stormtroopers were my best friends, he decided he was going to be my best friend and was asking me all about them, he even told me he was going to have lunch with Darth!

After hearing all this and talking to him, I knew I just had to do something for him and his family! As soon as the family left (they tried to tip me, it was very magical) I rang my best friends at JTA and spoke to them and I got Prince Charming signed into our 10:10am show and a spot in our 2:40pm Meet and Greet and a lightsaber. I can't wait to see the family tomorrow to find out how it all went.

After Monday it was time for 2 days off, which were spent at Hollywood Studios with Alison. Pictures are below. :)

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

Day 2

Day 2

Day 2: Dancing

Day 2: More Kisses

Day 2

Day 2: Kisses!

Day 2

Day 2: Sweetums tried to eat her

Day 2: So she tried to eat him

Day 2: Kisses for my best friend

Day 2: And some dancing

Day 2: Gene Kelly

Day 2: Signing in the rain. 

Day 2: Army pose!

Day 2: Jesse

Today I am off to hangout with the dark side again for 6 hours which I'm excited about. 

Until next time,
Stay Magical

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Let's never grow up!


Good morning! I think I have caught you all up on what's been going on so far. 4td post for September which I think makes up for the lack of posts in August :/

So what's new? This week I was trained on kerbside at work, before having 3 days off. I didn't really do much, just watch Season 8 of Greys Anatomy on Netflix. Nothing to exciting until yesterday. I bet you're wondering what happened yesterday. Well it was super magical and here is the story!

I had to go to Magic Kingdom with Allison yesterday so she could see where she has to go to get to her workplace tomorrow at the Bippity Bobbity Boutique (BBB) as she is a Fairy Godmother In Training (FGIT) at Downtown Disney (DTD). So we walked through the utildoors and found where she has to go so then we went up into MK itself and saw my good friend Minnie Mouse and I was wearing my Mickey shirt that he wears at that location so her and Mickey were so excited to see it!

Then we went out and saw the Mayor of Magic Kingdom and got a photo before we strolled over to Peter Pan, when we got there though only his character attendant was there as Peter was over at the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It (MISICI) parade, so we waited and we were the only ones there as his first scheduled meet and greet was for 12pm but he was doing an earlier one because something he normally did at the time was cancelled, so I was very excited.

So he eventually came over and because it was just me and Allison there he spent a good 5 minutes with me and we spoke about our pesky shadows, and how there are no girls in Neverland except Wendy because she's their mother, but then he asked if he should let girls come to Neverland and I said yes and then he said I could join but only me, and I had to follow 3 directions:

1. Never Grow Up
2. I have to dress up as an animal and he said I could be a platypus
3. Take orders from him, but he would be nice to me.

Then we took some photos, before we took a Tiger Lily photo where we sit down and then he crowed! It was very MAGICAL!

After that our roommate who is very good friends with the mice came and joined us on her lunch break and we watched the end of MISICI before we watched Dream Along with Mickey (DAWM) and it was magical because it didn't get cancelled. After DAWM Allison and I said farewell to our roommate before we went and got Pixie Dusted. Once that was down we ventured back down the utildoors for lunch and in the Mousecateria there sitting across from me where some very special people - Prince Phillip, Sleeping Beauty, Tinkerbells sister Periwinkle (she is new) and PETER PAN!


Then I went to work and because it was busy they got me to start 45 minutes early, which I didn't mind, and then before I knew it was time to bank out and head home.

That's really all for now.

Until next time,
Stay Magical.

Mickey and I match! 

The Mice, Allison and I.

Allison and I 

Allison and I 


Who said I couldn't be a mouse. 

Peter and I

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Home is where the heart is.

Hello there!

So this is just a quick post about my shift today at JTA. I got to go back home to ICON just for the night and I got to work with Dustin as he was closing TA coordinator, DVC (David Van Cleve) who was closing coordinator for Idol, Melanie and Manuel. It was a perfect team to be closing with and I was super excited when I discovered it was all of them who I would get to work with!

When I got to studios I was a little early for my shift so I went and hung out with Sweetums for an hour and also got to see Zak and Fransisco while I was there which was exciting as I hadn't seen either of them in a while, then it was off to clock in. I got rotation which I knew I would get as it was 1:45pm, I went and got to watch the remainder of the first show, and just as the second show started at 2:20pm we had a sudden downpour of rain which meant the show was cancelled and it turned into a Meet and Greet! I had been there less than an hour and I was heading up to the top of Star Tours with my best friends! I WAS EXCITED! Best start to a shift ever!

It was pretty much very standard from there on out and before I knew it, it was 8pm and time to clock out. I had a super fun day an it was exciting to go home to the dark side after being away for so long. I managed to snap a few photos which I will post below.

Until next time,
Stay Magical

Best Closing Group

DVC and I 

Dustin and I 

He is sitting don and I'm just taller than him

Compared to Dustin and DVC I'm TINY! 

Manuel and I 

Dustin and Manuel and Me of course! 

Piggy back?

I miss working with him! 

Even when i stand on a bench I'm just taller than him!