Friday, 21 September 2012

You took the words right out of my mouth

*Please note for privacy reasons names have been changed in this post*


So since Sunday not a lot has happened, granted its been 4 days. However things did happen and some were good and some were not.

I had some very magical guests who I had to run around after doing a guest recovery/magical moment for them, and spent a easy $400 on them. I love doing magical moments however not in this instance, and no one else wanted to do it for them either, and I just happened to become involved by asking if our guests needed a "walk" to the Hawaii longhouse and they needed it for Tokelou and that was how I was involved. Long story short the guests ended up getting a fireworks cruise, 4 friendship bracelets, 4 charms, champagne, birthday cards from the mice and roughly 15 balloons. After that shift myself, Calyn and Emma went and watched Wishes from The Point as we all needed some magic in our lives again - we all had a bad day.

The next day however I had a very magical family who I couldn't get enough of.

I was checking in a family (whose Dad was Australian also) I bonded with their son Prince Charming* who was celebrating turning 5 the next day, we were talking and I was showing him on the MK map where he could meet all these different characters when he asked where he could find Peter Pan! Now I hadn't told him Peter Pan was my favourite character so when I did he got really excited and he crowed with me. I showed him on the Hollywood Studios map where he could meet Sorcerer Mickey and when I closed the map and he saw Darth Vader on the front he got really excited and said that he was one of his favourite characters.

After talking to Prince Charming I spoke to his Dad who said he was going to try and get him into JTA on Wednesday because it is something that Prince Charming would love to do as he is a big fan. When Prince Charming found out I worked at JTA and that Darth Vader and his stormtroopers were my best friends, he decided he was going to be my best friend and was asking me all about them, he even told me he was going to have lunch with Darth!

After hearing all this and talking to him, I knew I just had to do something for him and his family! As soon as the family left (they tried to tip me, it was very magical) I rang my best friends at JTA and spoke to them and I got Prince Charming signed into our 10:10am show and a spot in our 2:40pm Meet and Greet and a lightsaber. I can't wait to see the family tomorrow to find out how it all went.

After Monday it was time for 2 days off, which were spent at Hollywood Studios with Alison. Pictures are below. :)

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

 Day 1: He drew us a treasure map

Day 2

Day 2

Day 2: Dancing

Day 2: More Kisses

Day 2

Day 2: Kisses!

Day 2

Day 2: Sweetums tried to eat her

Day 2: So she tried to eat him

Day 2: Kisses for my best friend

Day 2: And some dancing

Day 2: Gene Kelly

Day 2: Signing in the rain. 

Day 2: Army pose!

Day 2: Jesse

Today I am off to hangout with the dark side again for 6 hours which I'm excited about. 

Until next time,
Stay Magical

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